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Welcome Centre of the University of Passau

Welcome Centre of the University of Passau
EURAXESS Contact Point

Welcome Centre of the University of Passau


The University's Welcome Centre is the first port of call for international academics who need assistance with matters of residence status, insurances, accommodation, access to the university’s infrastructure (ZIM credentials & CampusCard), support for their families travelling with them and furthering integration.

With its service portfolio, the Welcome Centre strengthens the internationalisation of the University and supports the hosting chairs and institutions.

The staff of the Welcome Centre additionally serve as contact persons for international guests who join the University as part of the Erasmus+ personal mobility programme for further training and education or teaching.

Who can use our services?

We cater to international academics who come to Passau alone or accompanied by their families, irrespective of the length of stay.

We offer our services to:

  • international (guest) lecturers/professors
  • international (guest) researchers
  • international academic research and teaching staff
  • international doctoral candidates
  • international postdoctoral researchers
  • international research interns
  • international research alumni/alumnae

Our Expertise

Access to the culture of the host country/language courses
Day care, schooling & family related issues
Departure conditions/formalities
Entry conditions/visas
Medical care
Recognition of diplomas
Pension rights
Work permit


Innstr. 41
Postal Code

Contact Information

Organisation URL
Coverage Area
Within institution only
Contact Email
+49 851 509 1169

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