EURAXESS Cyprus is part of the European EURAXESS Service Network, a joint initiative of the European Commission and more than 40 national networks, aiming to support the mobility of researchers.
The European Research Area provides unprecedented opportunities, not only for researchers looking to advance their career in another European country, but also for scientific organisations in search of international talents. EURAXESS is the gateway to attractive research careers in Europe and to a pool of world-class research talents.
EURAXESS Bridghead Organisation
The EURAXESS Bridghead Organisation for Cyprus is the Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF). RIF also acts as a Service Centre, offering assistance to any researcher wishing to relocate to Cyprus.
The EURAXESS Cyprus Network consists of an additional 11 Service Centres:
- CYENS Centre of Excellence
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
- Cyprus University of Technology
- Frederick University
- Open University of Cyprus
- The Cyprus Institute
- UCLan Cyprus
- University of Cyprus
- European University Cyprus
- "ERATOSTHENES" Centre of Excellence
- Cyprus Maritime and Marine Institute (CMMI)
Our Projects

The RIF takes part in the EURAXESS Startup Hub, a networking program of support to academic entrepreneurs, set up by research and funding organizations from 7 different countries, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Israel, Luxembourg, Montenegro and Serbia, with participation of tens of external stakeholders and prominent actors in the national startup ecosystems of the above countries.
The EURAXESS Startup Hub is part of the EURAXESS Hubs project, funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020.
Its goal is to extent the range of services previously provided by EURAXESS, through collaborations and cross-country networking, to support researchers interested in scientific entrepreneurship.